Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dropdown Menu #2

Project Page:

I found out that the problem with the gap is the Github CSS. I tried to override everything, but it seems that there is a problem with the user agent stylesheet from Chrome (webkit), which I checked on StackOverflow and tried everything with no yield. The clean code would works perfectly though. If you could help me on the matter, could you contact me (probably through comment on this post)?


Dropdown Menu #1

Project Page:

Okay. Now the rendering is fixed, but there is still a gap in the project page which made the occasional lost of the list.

Dropdown Menu #0

Project Page:

This is a fun project by me to try making a dropdown menu. Why? I find it very fancy, and last time before CSS was universal, my friend helped me to make it (I cannot remember using what). I really want to try making it by myself.

Still need to improve some stuff, though. More consistent dropdown (there is a gap between the main button and the list that often makes the list to be gone) and render on top of the text.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Feel Good #1

Project Page

Feel Good has been updated (a while ago actually, but I just remembered to write the post)! Now there are 4 messages that could appear. If you have suggestion for other messages, leave a comment on this post!

Note: Download link (the APK) is available in the Project Page as well!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Feel Good #0

Project Page

Actually, I made this app before the calculator. Anyway, this is a modified version of Android MyFirstApp tutorial. Screenshots below:

Basically, type in your names, and a message would pop out. The app name is Praise Yourself, but it sounded not so nice, so in the next version, I will change the name to Feel Good. In the update, I would also enable randomization of the message.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Android Calculator #0

I tried making a calculator for Android, but it failed horribly TT.TT

Several problems I met:
- Designing the buttons is not easy. Some decisions needed: which key layout do I want to use; which implementation of Android Layout do I want to use
- How to handle when the button is pressed. I tried to utilise something like the Android Beginner tutorial, but it was very different thus I needed to find something else.
- How to handle the calculation

Then, I found a tutorial -.- I will try to follow the tutorial soon. Hope I could fix my calculator.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Project Page

Why did I pick that tutorial?
I was using Java (and started to learn it) this semester for my programming module. Since I would like to make some games, I was looking for making something graphical in Java. I thought it would be hard since I always use Eclipse IDE and I don't think it would support making a graphic output like HTML5 Canvas. So I tried looking for simple game (not like those current console and PC games) in Java, and that's when I found the tutorial. It was interesting, learning Java Swing, though in the end I matched my code with the given code (I retyped the code and tried to optimised here and there, but in the end it didn't work, so I matched back D: ).

Why did I have the idea of doing stuff outside school work when that time was crucial deadlines time?
Simply said, at least it is better than spending my time on Facebook when I can't focus.


My Use of Java Swing
Apparently, in my programming class, there was this problem set on solving mazes. However, the mazes look like this:

On the maze above, ## means a wall, while PP is the path from the source (which in this case was (0,0)) to the destination (3,3). But when I saw the question, the printed maze was very confusing. And indeed, some people in the class had the same confusion as me.

On the maze above, we were asked to implement the maze with superpower of going through some wall. The broken wall is marked by XX (we need to implement the XX marking by ourselves while the maze printer for ## and PP was given). The two mazes pictures are of the same maze, with the previous one without superpower and this one with superpower of 5 (means can go through 5 walls).


So, naturally, there was a bonus question on the problem set to implement a better visual for the maze for 0 points. Well, I paused for a second and was thinking, would implementing better visual worth the 0 bonus points? Apparently, since I could reuse the code from the Tetris (though need more than just copying), I implemented the better visual (despite pressing homework, because making better visual is much more fun than doing my other homework). The result?

On the left is solving the maze without superpower while on the right is the one with superpower, with the maze and the source and destination points being the same as the ASCII maze above. Dots mark the path, blue blocks mark the walls and yellow blocks mark the destroyed wall. Quite neat, eh?

Apparently, it seems my tutor gave me some extra points for implementing this, not sure by mistake or not. Either way, it was fun :)

I had a trouble, though; there was another bonus question which has some marks allocated for it, and that is to generate the maze. I had brain freeze due to the piling homework that I could not implement it even though the algorithm is very much available on the Internet. :(