Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ceasing of Android Home Sample Development


Bad news. I am ceasing development on Android Home Sample. Reason being I found it very hard to update it to follow recent SDK since the basis of the code is very old. I could redo the whole thing, of course, but I find it would be better if I make one from scratch. I might be making a new repo for the launcher from scratch soon. We'll see :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Unity Endless Runner Tutorial #4 - High Scores

Original Tutorial

My version of the game (Version Log)

GitHub Gist (for full code files)

Completed Project Files (V0.6.1)
Buy this on Selz Selz powering ecommerce websites

For version 0.4, I added high score system. I was chasing for speed, so from software engineering view, I broke the architecture. I could not get past one problem.

Namecheap for GitHub Pages

So I was looking into custom domain for my GitHub Pages and I asked my friend which custom domain service he is using. He is using Namecheap1. I bought the domain and was configuring it when I was lost O_O because I am new to this and GitHub help does not have specific instructions on this. I googled and found

Hopefully it will work :)

Hoo Haa! It works :D Go visit my site!

1. Affiliated links. If you wish to register without referral, go to :)